Wednesday 10 February 2010

Camcorder & Facebook

I have not been using this pocket size camcorder to record videos to put into YouTube. For this purpose I'm still using the borrowed camcorder. But as one day my friend may want it back for his own use, I may have to buy a proper one for myself.

I have been pursuing another activity related to art. I have joined Facebook to connect to my art friends. It is a complex e-platform and takes time to get familiar. By now I am a bit better using it and adding as 'friends' more artists I knew, and others that I previously didn't know. I also managed to search for and connect with some local art friends.

But Facebook is for networking with any friends. Gradually I have made connections with say some relatives, old friends that are not artists, old colleagues, classmates, etc.

One problem is that when I post something to artists, this also appears at the FB page of other friends. Many of these art postings are not really of interest to others. I'll have to see how to be selective in sending out my postings.


About Me

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Singapore, Singapore
I was born 1940 in Hong Kong.. After my first degree there, I left for training in England and continued with further studies and research at the Imperial College, London obtaining a PhD.. Since then I came to Singapore for an academic career.. I have now retired, take on a new passion and am active as an artist, doing sculptures, installations and oil paintings.. I was sponsored twice to present solo art exhibitions in Singapore, in 2007 and 2009. You can see my art website I have since reinvent myself to take up writing, self-publishing 3 books.