Friday 8 January 2010

My Sculpture Garden

In front of my house, I have on display some outdoor sculptures, see below. Some are done by me, but not all. The garden fence is not too tall and neighbours walking outside can see them.

Recently I arranged to paint them all sparkling white. This makes them look very nice.

In the picture of my garden below, the three from the left were done by me. The first one, done in concrete, was kept to remember my very first sculpture I did in class. The second one shows a muscular man in agony squatting over a sinking earth. The third one shows a proud male lion. Both are cast by me in fiberglass. fiberglass.

The tall sculpture on the right is a beauty, probably the only one in Singapore. It is a quality fiberglass copy of the ancient Greek marble statue 'Winged Victory' in the Louvre Museum, Paris.

In the second picture below, among the sculptures, except the two on the right, the others were not done by me. On the left is a large 3 ft diam fiberglass globe. It was designed and painted by me.

I am the designing artist of the concrete ship underneath the Winged Victory, and the concrete round stepped platforms underneath the sculptures.

Incidentally I didn't buy any of these sculptures not done by me. I got all of them free, from the local art college that I used to attend part-time.

And, about six months ago, when Google sent its Street View car with its roof-top camera to drive around Singapore, the car did come around my house. As a result, they took and publish photos of my house and my garden with these sculptures. It is a pity the photos were taken before I arranged to repaint the sculptures sparking white.

Tuesday 5 January 2010

Hanging up My Paintings - A New Year Task

Over these few days over the New Year, other than clearing up my sculpture workshop and writing blogs, I have also started rearranging to get clear wall spaces to hang up some of my relatively large oil paintings.

It is surprising I have never hung up my own paintings on my walls. For some time I just paint non-stop to prepared for my large solo painting exhibition. After finishing a painting I then put it up on my racks to dry which takes many months. Now that the exhibiton is over, I can now start hanging these paintings up.

This picture below shows four of the paintings being hung up at the bottom portion of my staircase.

The hanging locations seem all right. But there is insufficient lighting on the few paintings further up at the staircase wall. I'll need to see what can be done on this.

I'll continue to get more hooks and hang up more.

It may be of interest this large painting of an angry old man faces the entrance door of my house. It'd give visitors a shock when I open the front door. LOL !

Further up along the staircase, I have two large wall spaces. I am excited that one of the spaces shown on the left below is ideal for hanging up my large 6 x 6 ft painting assembly called 'Upside Down World'. But the location is too high up for me, and there is no suitable ground space for a good ladder support. I'll need outside help to safely hang them up.

Even on the simple job hanging the few paintings shown above, I fell. Fortunately I fell just a few steps, and there was no harm done.

This afternoon as I've a small job to be done at my roof top, I've asked my renovation contractor to come over. While he is over, I'll also ask him to install extra lighting and to hang up this large 6 x 6 ft painting assembly.

Soon my staircase will become my home art gallery. LOL !

[Click on the picture images above to enlarge.]

Monday 4 January 2010

Continuing with this Painting

When I continued with this WIP, I did some detailed touch up with yellow, and then added the white (Titanium White) colour to make the hottest part of the fire white instead of yellow.

Then I had to decide whether I should keep this as a painting with only these three plus white colours, or should I add a bit of other colours to some small areas.

I then decided on the latter. The main reason is that this man's face and hands cannot be painted by the three plus white colours alone.

This below is the next WIP picture with nearly all the colors in place to show the man.

I think after this should be the detailing.

While I am taking pictures inside my house, I took a shot of my painting studio, see below. Behind my floor easel the shelves are where I put many of my previous sculpture items. On the floor are two of my 3 x 3 canvas paintings making up the large 6 x 6 ft painting assembly 'Upside Dowm World'.



About Me

My photo
Singapore, Singapore
I was born 1940 in Hong Kong.. After my first degree there, I left for training in England and continued with further studies and research at the Imperial College, London obtaining a PhD.. Since then I came to Singapore for an academic career.. I have now retired, take on a new passion and am active as an artist, doing sculptures, installations and oil paintings.. I was sponsored twice to present solo art exhibitions in Singapore, in 2007 and 2009. You can see my art website I have since reinvent myself to take up writing, self-publishing 3 books.