Monday 14 December 2009

My Round Printing is now Mounted

I've now got an extra pair of hands to help me, and have now glued the printing on to my round mounting board. The mounted printing can now be placed on the pivot at the floor stand and can be rotated, see below.

This looks all right from afar. But on detailed inspection later, defects can be found.

Firstly, the printing is slightly off centre. This causes a narrow red rim to be seen at about 1/3 of the circumference. Secondly, narrow wrinkles can be seen. These two cannot be remedied.

Thirdly when lights are right in front, it can be seen the surface is not flat. This means on display, lights have to be from the top, not in front.

Fourthly, some parts of the edge are spayed. I have now put masking tapes around the edge, in case the glue is still tacky and will set tight later.

Anyway, on this point, I intend to add a rim around the edge later on. Currently I am testing different types of rubber hose as the rim. A 1/2-in. hose is of suitable size. My neighbour hardware shops (stores) sell this size, but only the soft transparent type for acquariums. This is not suitable. I also have a sample of 1/2-in. hose that is nearly white. The color is all right, but this is a bit too stiff to be easily installed. I'll have to continue to work on this problem.

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About Me

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Singapore, Singapore
I was born 1940 in Hong Kong.. After my first degree there, I left for training in England and continued with further studies and research at the Imperial College, London obtaining a PhD.. Since then I came to Singapore for an academic career.. I have now retired, take on a new passion and am active as an artist, doing sculptures, installations and oil paintings.. I was sponsored twice to present solo art exhibitions in Singapore, in 2007 and 2009. You can see my art website I have since reinvent myself to take up writing, self-publishing 3 books.