Friday 4 December 2009

Modern History - #1, #2, #3

This is the first three of a series of my oil paintings on plastics board depicting significant events or personnel in modern world history during my life time. Each panel is of width 48 in. Click on the image to enlarge.

Painting #1 on the left shows Germany's Nazi leader Adolf Hitler in salute to depict the start of WW II in 1939.

At the centre, painting #2 shows the Blitz, a sustained German bombing of London to break the spirit of the English in 1940-41. This depicts te European theatre of WW II.

On the right, painting #3 shows the 1941 Japan sneak bombing of the navel vessels and facilities at Pearl Harbour at Hawaii causing the US to enter the War. This depicts the start of the Pacific theatre of WW II.

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About Me

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Singapore, Singapore
I was born 1940 in Hong Kong.. After my first degree there, I left for training in England and continued with further studies and research at the Imperial College, London obtaining a PhD.. Since then I came to Singapore for an academic career.. I have now retired, take on a new passion and am active as an artist, doing sculptures, installations and oil paintings.. I was sponsored twice to present solo art exhibitions in Singapore, in 2007 and 2009. You can see my art website I have since reinvent myself to take up writing, self-publishing 3 books.