Friday 4 December 2009

Modern History - #4, #5, #6

Continuing on my series of oil paintings on significant events or people in modern history.

From the left, painting #4 shows the second US atomic bombing of Japan, this one at Nagasaki. This resulted in Japan's surrender. At that time Italy and German had already surrendered. This event depicts the final end in 1945 of the 2nd World War.

Painting #5 at the centre shows Winston Churchill of the UK, Franklin Roosevelt of the US and Joseph Stalin of the USSR at their meeting at Yalta, Crimea, near but before the very end of the 2nd World War. These three together carved out the spheres of influence and control of the post-war world. They did it without the agreement of affected countries and territories, nor the need to inform them. This painting also depicts the start of the post-war Cold War.

On the right, painting #6 shows the United Nations Headquarters building at New York city, depicting the 1945 birth of the world body.

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About Me

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Singapore, Singapore
I was born 1940 in Hong Kong.. After my first degree there, I left for training in England and continued with further studies and research at the Imperial College, London obtaining a PhD.. Since then I came to Singapore for an academic career.. I have now retired, take on a new passion and am active as an artist, doing sculptures, installations and oil paintings.. I was sponsored twice to present solo art exhibitions in Singapore, in 2007 and 2009. You can see my art website I have since reinvent myself to take up writing, self-publishing 3 books.